Executive Impact Accelerator

10-Month Programme

A unique development solution that accelerates high potential executives to C-suite readiness.

Accelerate C-Suite potential to C-Suite impact.

A proven Executive Acceleration programme

This tested and proven executive acceleration programme is informed by some of the latest developments in the fields of Neuroscience, Psychology and Learning.

Over a 10-month period, learner-leaders work closely with a project manager, dedicated coach, subject specialist mentors and online learning facilitators. The challenges are all real, they are specific to your workplace and they involve meaningful objective key results rather than abstract assignments.

Every interaction, every week, is geared towards helping you develop your impact, capacity for reasoning, and interacting at a senior level.

​Executive impact is at the joining point of competencies, skills, job clarity, connection to the environment you operate in and to your senior, peer and subordinate colleagues.

This programme supports you in maximising your personal sustainable impact.

A tailored approach to Executive Development

Executive Development is a product of motivation, ability, a supportive challenging environment and the person’s capacity to overcome those parts of the environment which are not supportive or growth-oriented.

​The Executive Impact Accelerator provides high potential people with a programme specifically tailored to their environment and to their individual development needs. The project manager, the coach, the mentors, the group session facilitators are all mobilised to support the individual development requirements of the learner-leader. When this developmental impulse is maintained over the 10-month period, meaningful and sustainable growth and development are ignited.

executive development diagram

Personalised executive development teams and professional networks

The Executive Impact Accelerator is a personal learning programme in which each executive is assigned a Personal Development Facilitator (personal project manager). The project is the individual’s accelerated growth into Executive role readiness. In addition, the subject leader is assigned an executive coach, a panel of professional mentors to support them in the development of core skills, group coaching and online training. 

One of the enabling aspects of the programme is how it keeps on reconnecting the individual learner-leader with their senior management structure. Learning in isolation at this level is not effective. The individual learner-leader does online training and becomes part of a group coaching process that connects them with other learner-leaders in parallel organisations.

global executive development solutions

From wherever, whenever.

The Executive Impact Accelerator is a largely online programme. Experience has shown that this approach provides the maximum flexibility and increases easy-flow contact time between the learner-leader and their project manager, coach and mentors.

A tailored curriculum allows for added flexibility and self-paced development. Not many people have the ability to take time off from work to commit to a full-time, in-person Executive Development Programme. Time away from the office is one of the major expenses when the option is international business schools; the Executive Impact Accelerator offers a much more economic and precise way of impacting your talent development pipeline without disrupting your business flow. This approach provides executives with the opportunity to prioritise their development without forgoing personal or professional priorities and responsibilities.

What does the profile of an ideal learner-leader look like?

The executive impact

See what some of the learner-leaders we’ve helped have to say about working with us.


Accelerate executive success & C-Suite readiness

It’s time to empower your executives and have them prepared for any challenges in their new, C-Suite roles. Contact us for more information on how this could work for you.

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