Role Profiling

This website, your car, a piece of software – they’re all designed to create a functional, pleasing experience.

Jobs tend to evolve organically rather than by design and at Multiplex we support you to re-design them to create value, to be doable and to bring satisfaction to the person doing the work.

Doing good work requires a clear understanding of what good work looks like.

Competency infrastructure takes the guesswork out of HR. It adds value & accountability predictably.

An effective, in-depth understanding of roles & talent

Our suite of profiling products empowers you with the tools to seamlessly integrate new talent and optimise the performance of existing talent within your organisation.

Through profiling, HR and management will gain a nuanced understanding of the distinct roles within the organisation, encompassing clear delineation of responsibilities, requisite skills, and qualification prerequisites.

This clarity equips them to not only attract and recruit top-tier talent but also to foster the development of people who align with the company’s goals, vision, and mission, thereby contributing significantly to its overarching success.

Role Profiles

Comprehensive Insight Into Key Outputs, Responsibilities, Skills, Qualifications & More

Interview & Development Guides

Effectively Gauge New Talent & Develop Current Talent

Competency Library

Turn HR into a core business-enhancing activity.

Talent Auditing

Assess Role Competency & Company Culture Fitness 

Role Profiles

Designing and structuring jobs lies at the heart of getting work done well. At Multiplex we support you to re-design and clarify roles to create value, to be doable and to enhance employee satisfaction.

Role profiling is a process that gathers and analyses information about a particular job with the aim of creating a comprehensive profile that outlines key outputs, responsibilities, skills, qualifications, and other relevant aspects associated with a position.

The Multiplex approach to role profiling is a best practice. Over the years we have developed the underlying methodology and a supportive reference library of thousands of profiles. We profile individual roles and deliver a clear management document that enables processes such as selection, development, succession planning, and performance management.

Role profiling takes the guesswork out of HR and contributes to establishing a structured and efficient workforce. It adds value, predictability, and facilitates better decision-making in areas such as talent acquisition, performance management and career development.

Interview & development guides

As the shape of your business evolves, so will its needs. Multiplex is able to meet these dynamic needs as they arise.

According to your requirements and specifications for a particular role, we offer the development and tailoring of unique interview guides for your expanding business.

We also offer development guides that are tailored to helping you enhance people development within your business.

Competency libraries

We have developed and delivered many large- and small-scale bespoke competency libraries over the years. Once you know how your company is unique at the level of job structure and competency, you are able to recruit, select, on-board, develop, performance-manage, and plan new projects more effectively. Competency management provides a systematic, high-impact way to turn HR practice into a core business enhancing activity.

We are able to profile all of the job families in your organisation, developing a comprehensive and unique competency library specifically for your business. This has real potential to save you money and sharpen your focus on key events such as selection, development and performance management.

Talent Auditing

To thrive in a dynamic business environment, we assist businesses in establishing a robust understanding of their talent landscape. This involves a comprehensive audit of the alignment between the skills and capabilities of staff and leaders with the competency requirements of their roles.

Beyond functional competence, it is equally crucial to evaluate the competencies that form the bedrock of the company’s culture. This holistic understanding not only facilitates strategic talent development but also ensures that every individual within the organisation is well-positioned to meaningfully contribute to the company’s success, embodying the cultural values that drive its mission and vision.

Create structure & clear talent guides

Get in contact with us to start creating in-depth profiles and clear job-structures in your organisation.

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