James Ashton

Lead Partner | Executive Coach | Researcher

Lived Potential:
Coaching people in high impact roles.

James is thinking partner to business leaders around the world.

The leaders of organisations are often lonely in their roles and although they’re in the middle of various teams and conversations, their personal ambitions and doubts are usually private. James plays two primary roles with his coaching clients: first to provide support to the leader; secondly to help activate change.

Whether the change is personal or systemic, James has the experience, qualifications and track record to enable novel insight and support the leader to build improved firm ground. His background blends senior corporate experience with 24 years of building first one, and now another organisation development firm. He blends experience with a scientific orientation towards process development and his work is based on a platform of strong evidence.

James is a Master Certified Coach (Middlesex) with a masters degree in Organisational Psychology.

Key themes his work tends to address:

  •  Aligning personal and professional purpose
  • Establishing a pipeline of ready-leadership throughout the business
  • Leading in times of crisis or change
  • Building self-awareness and a more informed understanding of strengths, weaknesses, and impact on others
  • Improving interpersonal relationships, listening skills, and empathy
  • Enhancing the ability to be influential in forums like Exco or the Board
  • Supporting and developing resilience and adaptability
  • Improving clarity, effectiveness, and strategic communication within the organisation
  • Building stronger relationships and networks
  • Preparing leaders for bigger and more complex roles

Executive Coaching Opportunity

The evidence is clear, coaching works to improve impact and personal development outcomes.

James currently has five spaces available for new Executive Coaching clients and if what you’ve read energises you, complete this short introductory form and let’s see if there’s a potential match between your needs and James’ focus.

If you read this introduction and you realise coaching is valuable for you, but that your need is different, please contact us to investigate working with one of Multiplex’ other trained and experienced coaches.

Watch the following video and click the brief “introduction form” to get in touch with James and discover how he can help you, or your business.

James Ashton's approach to coaching

Coaching and mentoring are for restless people! No one needs help to stay as they are but for those who want more, who want to add more to their careers, their families and their teams, a coach becomes your change-partner.

James’ coaching is informed by his business, entrepreneurial and academic experience; but his work is about you rather than his background. Whatever you’re working on James remains mindful of three axes – (i) helping you be clear on your personal vision or purpose, action without direction is (literally) pointless. (ii) Helping you build firm ground for yourself, whether this is about new skills, relationships, networks, personal disciplines or other. (iii) Coaching (and Mentoring) are successful when the relationship between you and your coach is empowering and encouraging; relationship is critical, not as a nice-to-have, but as the foundational change mechanism.

Life is not a straight line experience – sometimes high performers lose focus. James knows and respects the loneliness of leaders and public figures who can’t easily talk about their experiences and he helps clients refocus and reclaim energy & drive.

The coaching experience.

What is it like to be coached by James?

“James’ was systematic calm and courageous in challenging me when he saw fit. His techniques, exercises, literature and lessons were invaluable; his appropriate use of stories and humour were really helpful. My transformation has been noticeable, and I hope, permanent. I am truly grateful to him for his skill and for his commitment to me.”
— Susan B

“My coaching time with you has been the springboard I needed. I’ve made big changes and I’m now more senior and I act and like an intrapreneur.”
— Prof. T

“Hi James, thanks for your feedback, I will fix that… Thank you for being such a fantastic mentor, coach and friend…”
— Simon

The right mind for change.

James is business-minded, and he finds ways to make that relevant to his clients. He realises that change comes from his clients balancing their desire, with their support structures and their values. The focus of a coaching programme with James is on activating personal growth and fulfilment

What is not going to happen in coaching with James?

Clients will be drawn into real, growth centred relationship; his coaching is not about hype, cheerleading or short cuts. James is a learning specialist, serious about creating deep and lasting change through contact and through commitment to the relationship and the process.

Whenever. Wherever.

Online or face-to-face sessions are powerful, nourishing and provide essential contact and the result comes into its fullness over the course of the contracted relationship.

What people say about having James as their Executive Coach

Start your coaching journey with James

Keen on working with someone passionate about activating your potential? If you’re ready take the leap and you want to take your career to the next level, fill out the following form and James will get back to you.