3D Mentor Training Course

One of the fastest and most sustainable ways of improving job satisfaction is through competent and confident mentoring. Mentor’s are managers who value being a learning-partner to younger, less experienced people. This hybrid online-live and face-to-face training will upskill participants’ mentoring approach and skills.

Mentors move mountains:
Drive impact, unlock potential.

How 3D Mentor Training Works

Mentors channel their experience and character to shape peoples’ lives

Become a high impact mentor with this live training programme.

3D Mentor training equips leaders to become stronger in one-on-one people development. Mentors learn to use their professional and technical experience and blend it with strong interpersonal skills like listening, questioning, vision development, building firm ground and developing the learning relationship.

Learn how to overcome the big challenges that affect mentor-protégé success and become a more competent and confident developmental leader.

Our 3D Approach

3d mentor training course
Dimension 1

Build vision

Learn to help less experienced protege’s identify the “why” of their worklife.  Call it vision or purpose, the Mentor plays an important role in clarifying  the person’s story of what their work means to them and what they expect from themselves.  Vision is not a once off conversation, in the hands of a trained Mentor it becomes the story-glue that helps the protege make sense of daily experience.

Dimension 2

Build firm ground

No one can develop and grow when they’re standing on shaky ground. This training course provides practical insight and guidance for Mentors to support their protege in putting in place practical, relational and skills based solid foundations.

Dimension 3

Mentor in relationship

Mentoring works when there is a strong developmental relationship and this is often a challenge for leaders whose success is due to their technically and professional strengths.  It is also a challenge however for many people leaders because the Mentoring role has to blend people-centricity with task realism.  Feedback, accountability and boundaries are important aspects of what needs to be learned

What's Inside 3D Mentor Training?

September 2024
  • 2 X 2 hour, online training Modules 1 and 2
  • Live in-person training in Johannesburg
  • 3 hour online session – Module 5
  • Price: R19’950 pp incl VAT (Johannesburg)
October 2024
  • 2 X 2 hour, online training Modules 1 and 2
  • Live in-person training in Malta
  • 3 hour online session – Module 5
  • Price: €1’100 pp incl VAT (Malta)

What's included in this 3D Mentor Training Course?

  • World-Class training from experienced instructors
  • Multiplex Leadership Centre: 3D Mentor Certificate
  • Digital delegate pack
  • One year of monthly online support and development sessions

Complementary Early-Bird Benefit

Each Mentor who successfully completes the programme will be invited to join an online mentoring group. This group meets online monthly, and mentors continue their development in a peer learning setting led by James Ashton and other facilitators.

Who is this course for?

3D Mentor training is especially beneficial for:

  • Managers and Supervisors
  • Leaders and Executives
  • Human Resources professionals
  • Educators and Trainers

Course Content

Introduction to 3D Mentoring

2 Hours | Live Online
  • Define and contextualise mentoring
  • Why is mentoring an important part of leading?
  • The case for 3D Mentoring
  • How does 3D mentoring benefit trainees?

How voluntary behaviour change happens

2 Hours | Live Online
  • Voluntary Behaviour Change
  • Develop self awareness around the voluntary behaviour change approach
  • Person vs context
  • The competencies underlying effective Mentoring

Building vision and intention to change

8 Hours | Live In-Person
  • Who can mentor? and “Me as mentor”
  • Four ways of listening and making deep contact
  • Feedback in the context of growth
  • Understanding and stretching a protege’s vision
  • Building a sense of purpose in the mentoring relationship

Building firm ground

Next Day, 8 Hours | Live In-Person
  • Develop firm ground through scaffolding
  • Balance telling and listening during firm-ground building 
  • 4 Practical methods of building a firm ground scaffold 
  • Creating firm ground in the mentor-protege relationship itself
  • Choosing a mentor /engaging a protégé
  • Agreeing structure and expectations
  • Scheduling, meetings and accountabilities
  • Timebound relationship with an end point
  • uncheckedFirst protégé engagement
  • Set up a mentoring meeting for assessment and accreditation

Anchoring and assessing learning

3 Hours | Live Online
  • Review of peoples’ first mentoring sessions
  • Assessment of competence or review and recommendation for further learning.
  • Acknowledgement of certification 

Complementary Learning Forum

2 Hour Sessions Monthly

An added bonus and optional for people who have completed the 3D Mentor training programme.

Course Leader

James is co-founder of Multiplex Partners and is a business leader, an active Executive Coach and a mentor. His academic, entrepreneurial, business, learning and development and leadership focuses underpin his career and professional interests. 

Are you ready to go from manager to 3D Mentor?

Purchase your seat in the 3D Mentor Course and transition from manager to 3D Mentor. Drive impact and unlock potential.