Organisational Development Essentials


Workshop Dates

Module 1

02 & 04 July 2024
14:00 – 15:30 CAT

Module 2

23 & 25 July 2024
14:00 – 15:30 CAT

Module 3

15 & 17 Oct 2024
14:00 – 15:30 CAT

Leaders, Business Partners and Organisational Development consultants?
This group coaching / training series gives you skills and knowledge about three pillars of effective organisational development:

  • Building on strengths and competencies
  • Leading effective performance discussions, and
  • Strengthening culture in hybrid or remote organisations


Co-Led by Expert Coaches

Cathy Farlam and Maddy Ashton co-lead the sessions as group coaches; their experience guides the conversation so that the learning comes from the content of the material and from the experience of group members.

Group coaching / training the way it is used by Multiplex is a cross-over between traditional coaching and training. There is definite content and guidance from the coaches but the work is done by all members of the group, sessions allow the participant time to listen, reflect, contribute and integrate the ideas under scrutiny.

The whole programme comprises three modules and each module includes two online sessions.  You can choose to do any, or all of the modules.


Cathy Farlam


Maddy Ashton

Workshop Breakdown

2.1 Give confident performance feedback

Key Skills

Give feedback so it lands better.

Learning Themes

Vision & firm ground skills and tools to build confidence in  leading effective performance discussions.

Take Away

Feedback checklist for guiding performance feedback discussions.  And, a personal Conflict Resolution styles report.

2.2 Lead across generations, cultures and levels of experience

Key Skills

Lead with empathy, focus on accountability.

Learning Themes

Identifying and managing misaligned individual or team expectations; use competencies to clarify expectations; use competencies as a basis for conversations about professional accountability.

Take Away

Onboarding toolkit for managing young professionals entering the world of work.

3.1 Focus on the meaning and value of company culture

Key Skills

Evaluate if  your company’s actual (rather than idealised) culture, is fit for purpose.

Learning Themes

Diagnosing real (rather than hoped-for) team or company culture; Psychological safety and incivility; identifying what needs to change for the business culture to be mission-fit.

Take Away

RADAR culture diagnostic and report

3.2 Making Company Culture a centrepoint of the employee value proposition (EVP)

Key Skills

Design a process for adjusting towards a desired company culture.

Learning Themes

Evaluate how culture links to values and employee experience; enabling a positive and collaborative hybrid or remote culture.

Take Away

Culture toolkit for HR.

1.1 Strengths and competencies in effective organisations

Key Skills

Build or design a competency library / approach for your firm.

Learning Themes

Testing the relevance of competencies 2024?  What are they and what are the alternatives? What is their role in the HR value-chain?  What is their value?

Take Away

An editable dictionary of 20 defined competencies, and sample behavioural indicators.

1.2 Practical ways to use competencies

Key Skills

Assign competencies to roles and use behavioural indicators to make them effective.

Learning Themes

Link competencies and behavioural indicators to role outputs, tasks and performance measures.

Take Away

Two editable generic role profiles (each participant chooses their most valuable from a list of ten options).

Register for the workshop

Choose which modules you’d like to join, or join the full workshop.

Pay with

Reasons To Join The Organisational Development Essentials Workshop

Resources & Toolkits

After each module, you will be provided with a helpful resource or toolkit to assist you in implementing your learning and drive success.

Experienced Coaches

You will be coached through each session by top coaches with a solid foundation of knowledge and real-world experience.

Interactive Group Experience

Each session will allow you to participate to enhance your learning experience. You will get time to listen, reflect, contribute and integrate ideas with the group.